The infamous incident of Major Charles Ingram and his wife attempting to cheat the game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” is a marvelous tale with a captivating premise and a remarkable turn out of events. It truly was amazing that the contestant was able to get as far as he did without arousing suspicion considering how blindingly obvious the fraudulent act now looks in retrospect.
For those unacquainted with the story, Charles Ingram was a contestant on the game show back in 2001 who used a simplistic communication technique with his wife who was in the audience to successfully wriggle his way to the highest prize of one million pounds. Specifically, as Charles rambled with the game show host his wife would loudly cough as he read over the correct answer. Shortly after the victory Charles and his wife were prosecuted and charged.
This story couldn’t help but raise a certain question in the minds of the technology enthusiasts that work for Ruby Devices. Could there be another system to cheat the game and win the ultimate prize? A method rooted in a much higher caliber of intelligent design and stealth?
With that question, we got to work. The initial challenge was selecting a form of communication that could work with a high level of stealth but at the same time offer high practicality. An earpiece or gadget placed on the eyeball, for example, would spell disaster for the ultra high definition top of the range cameras on set. To make this work we knew we would need a form of communication that did not require any devices exposed to the cameras. Similarly, the device could not make any noise which would spell equal disaster.
We decided on using vibration as our form of communication. Vibrations, if tuned right, could theoretically be silent enough to make no noise but powerful enough to be easily felt by the us.
So we created Invisible Wireless Earpiece kit with External Microphone and SOS Signal Button
It could be used with any Cell Phone with 3.5 mm jack or 2.5 mm jack. You can buy 3.5mm jack to 2.5 jack adapter in accessories section.The Signal button can be put under your toe or in your sleeve. When you press the beep button, a beep tone is sent to your partner over the phone, no matter where they are in the world it is perfect for situations when you can’t talk or whisper. Use the Covert Signal button to signal – for example, one tap for YES, two taps for NO. So you are in full control of your event! At the same time you can use High Gain External Microphone and hide it in your sleeve or anywhere on your body. This device is also good for Oral exams and for written Exams.
Why this voice and SOS-beep communication kit is better than other devices on the market?
1. Audio device has best crystal clear sound.
2. Has SOS/ Signal button which could be hidden in your shoe or your sleeve. Beep signal could be heard by your assistant.
Has low power consumption and lasts 3.5-10 hours. Depends on 9v Battery type you buy.
Does not have any Bluetooth device, which could be spotted by other device and consumes more energy.
5. Works with any phone or MP3 player.
6. Automatically answers incoming phone calls!!!! You do not need to do a thing. This feature explained in detail in product manual.
7. 4 x Earpieces do not require any battery and it’s not possible to hear them from outside + 2 Premium Unidirectional Earpieces.
8. It has very sensitive microphone. Use it when it safe for you only!!!
9. On top of it the wireless headset mini earpiece kit could be used with any MP3 player.