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How to cheat in online Proctored exam

When students take exams in their own home, it can be hard for school officials to verify their identity. As a result, many schools have hired companies that provide online proctoring during exams.

Through the use of a webcam on the student’s device, employees from the company can watch the test-taker’s face and computer screen as he or she takes the exam. Before students start the exam, they have to show their driver’s license or another proof of identity, such as a student ID. ProctorU, one such company, works with more than 1,000 institutions, according to its website. Other companies, such as Examity and Proctorio, offer similar services.

Additionally, Ruckert notes that the school can monitor video footage to see if a student walks away from the exam, uses another device or has someone else take the test for them. Likewise, he says, some institutions use a custom browser that prevents students from conducting web searches during exams.

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Hide your Smartphone inside of a calculator. Use it for live video and photos. For transmitting and receiving files. Step by step instructions from and
Although technology has changed over time, communicating with friends during class remains a top priority for students in every classroom! Best friends have been passing notes behind their teachers back for longer than we can remember! Now, with cellphones, texting is a daily and even necessary habit, bringing us closer than ever to the people we love talking to most. Many teachers and schools have been reacting with strict no-phone classroom policies but these rules aren’t foolproof. Here are 10 Ways you can sneak your phone into class.

The everyday items used in your classes can quickly be turned into secret hiding spots! Keep your phone hidden in a calculator case for easy access texting in class. Your calculator can be altered to store your phone so your teacher won’t even think to check if your material is really just your phone in disguise!

Body language gives away a lot too, so if you want to know what’s trending or who just sent you a snap, make sure your eyes stay focused on the front of the class and you limit your reactions to the messages you’re secretly receiving.
Don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more!

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Hide your Smart Phone inside of any calculator

Hide your Smartphone inside of a calculator. Use it for live video and photos. For transmitting and receiving files. Step by step instructions from and
Although technology has changed over time, communicating with friends during class remains a top priority for students in every classroom! Best friends have been passing notes behind their teachers back for longer than we can remember! Now, with cellphones, texting is a daily and even necessary habit, bringing us closer than ever to the people we love talking to most. Many teachers and schools have been reacting with strict no-phone classroom policies but these rules aren’t foolproof. Here are 10 Ways you can sneak your phone into class.

The everyday items used in your classes can quickly be turned into secret hiding spots! Keep your phone hidden in a calculator case for easy access texting in class. Your calculator can be altered to store your phone so your teacher won’t even think to check if your material is really just your phone in disguise!

Body language gives away a lot too, so if you want to know what’s trending or who just sent you a snap, make sure your eyes stay focused on the front of the class and you limit your reactions to the messages you’re secretly receiving.
Don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more!

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Any signal jamming device transmits on the same radio frequencies as the cell phone, disrupting the communication between the cell phone and the cell-phone base station in the tower. It’s a called a denial-of-service attack. The cell or Wi-FI jammer denies service of the radio spectrum to the cell-phone or Wi-FI users within range of the jamming device. We can offer stealth audio earpieces and spy video cameras which can by-pass any jammer, because they work on different frequencies. Please visit or to find out more.

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This  is the newest Wi-FI SPY Mini Video camera for cheating on exams. This camera is available on, This device is part of professional product range made available to general public. Combining state-of-the-art technologies, this camera is capable of delivering very clear LIVE images, both on a sheet of paper and on an LCD monitor.

     The person who receives the images does NOT have to stay near the building where the video camera is.

The camera transmits very clear LIVE images without having a distance limit as in the previous models. The person who receives the pictures can sit comfortably at home, so he/she can be in any location in any city, village and even in another country provided he or she has a laptop, tablet or mobile phone that has Internet access.

wireless camera inside small button for cheat on test exam driving exam with covert earpiece undetectable device that send Live HD video with your topics covert earpiece

How does this professional cheating on exam system work?

     The 4K HD camera range is much simpler to use than classic models that transmit up to 1000 m/3000 feet away. On your body you have one very thin wire that leads to the micro camera in the button and the battery is integrated into camera. Practically the camera connects via WiFi to the mobile phone (any smartphone brand and model) or a gsm hotspot , and transmits LIVE images over the internet. The connection is private, and in no way will anyone else ever be able to see the pictures! The person who receives the topics can sit comfortably at home. He or she  only needs a laptop, PC, tablet or cell phone connected to the Internet. Images  received by using an app that will come on CD or could be downloaded from the product page . The APP is simple to use, it is easy  to configure. Once configured, the person who enters the exam only needs to start the camera before entering the exam room and the assistant needs to start the APP  and video and  images are automatically received.



     The person from the exam room has with him/her:  mini camera and a mobile phone  (a small phone is recommended) or  GSM hotspot.

The person who receives the images requires: any Laptop, PC, Tablet or Mobile Phone connected to the Internet

The phone is  transmitting pictures from the micro-camera over the Internet. There is no wire between the  camera and the mobile phone/GSM HOTSPOT (they communicate wirelessly) so you can hide your mobile phone with you or you can leave it in a purse, map, jacket in the hanger, outside on the exam room, anywhere but not further than 20-30 meters from the mini camera.

You can use any brand and any smartphone model from any mobile phone network. You must have activated an internet option of 1-2 GB that is sufficient for 2-3 hours of LIVE transmission. You will leave the phone in MUTE t mode, turn off all the sounds and vibration, and if someone calls you during the exam, it will not bother you and you will not get caught.

Mobile Phones are not allowed  in the exam room, So we can offer complete Stealth  SPY KIT which includes SPY CAMERA and GSM SPY NECKLOOP. No PHONE REQUIRED.

covert earpiece undetectable device that send Live HD video with your topics covert earpiece wireless camera inside small button for cheat on test exam driving exam

Advantages of 4k HD BUTTON WI-FI CAMERA:
– sends LIVE images to any location on the globe that has Internet access with MAXIMUM 1-2 seconds delay!
– You can receive images on your PC or laptop as well as on any phone or tablet in any corner of the world with Internet access
– Your assistant can record  video or take pictures without the need for the person in the exam room to press/touch any button
– if the Internet speed allows, the images can be received by 2-3 people from different locations, simultaneously (2-3 people may buy camera together to save cost)
– High-density SONY LiPo rechargeable battery integrated in the mini camera offers up to 7 hours of running time
– the camera is very thin (~ 1cm/3/8″) and can be very easily hidden

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Our Shirts with 4K HD Spy Button Cameras are unique products which made individually. Link to the product page:
When sizing up your shirt please allow loose fit for your gadgets discreet positioning. For your safety your shirt will not look like on photos and will be made based on one of these three technologies as per your needs and preferences: CHEST BUTTON CAMERA POSITIONING IS SUITABLE FOR TAKING PHOTOS FROM A BOOK or TEXT SHEET IN-SLEEVE BUTTON CAMERA POSITIONING IS SUITABLE FOR TAKING PHOTOS FROM A PC MONITOR